About the Author
My name is Maria Tome but if you've known me for quite a while, I also go by Mia. It was a shortened version of Maria, given to me by my best friends in the 3rd grade. Anything good in me is because of JESUS, and for that I am grateful. I have a love for pretty things, especially flowers, and you'll find that most of the product packaging of my books involve flowers. I enjoy giving gifts, and giving of my time to those that I love. I enjoy cooking, baking, and hosting sweet moments inside my home. If we were to spend a Saturday together, you'd also find me journaling at a cute hometown coffee shop or enjoying a sunny day [evening too sometimes] bike riding, somewhere outside in nature or on the warm, sandy beaches.
a little more about me...
I am going into my 8th year of teaching elementary students, and hope to continue to infuse a love of writing into their lives. One thing I know for sure, this journey of writing is never fully complete.
From a very early age, everywhere I went, I created stories in my mind of characters on daring adventures. I'd play with the meaning of words on paper, and in college I was enthralled by learning a new word to add to my vocabulary every week. Tintinnabulation was a word I learned one time, which means a ringing of bells. I was determined to write a book someday. At first, I began plotting a fictional story when I was 16. It might be still on a notepad, in good ole' chicken scratch [now I am interested in finding it-despite it not being as legible]. Anyways, I started writing in 2016. It wasn't fiction though.
In 2020, I published my first book. The one I began in 2016 was finally complete [Waiting and Dreaming]. Waiting and Dreaming was finally released. The purpose of that book is to encourage others when they find themselves "stuck" in what seemingly feels like a "waiting" period in life. A standstill. A place they never anticipated finding themselves in. My goal within the book is to give a fresh perspective to what life could look like if we developed the moments we were in, instead of fighting the "I wish I was where I want to be right now". It's interesting as an author, you end up preaching to yourself too, and referring back to what you've written to help you meet a goal and sometimes just to encourage yourself in the process of development [okay, maybe to also remember to take your own advice. hehe!]
As you get familiar with this website, I hope you find something that can offer you hope and joy. I hope that if you're a writer or hope to become an author, you will be able to join this community and say YES to writing, and utilize the tools provided, that will encourage you on your writing journey. Although the story started with me, I truly believe I am living out the very book I published. As I've been in moments of waiting for prayers to be answered in life, I challenged myself, picked up the pen and began writing a story that is only just the beginning. In the end, the legacy won't be about this book but what it looks like when one girl says YES, [even when she could have said NO], and chose to meet the need of readers that will be inspired to say YES to what they are having faith for.
Welcome! I hope you stay awhile.