I think there is something to be said about who we gravitate toward, and how we have done so even in childhood. Our friends can usually be made up of people that either embody similar characteristics and passions. However, when I’ve gotten older, I realized my friend group has changed from time to time and even season to season. Girls I probably would have never been friends with or vice versa in middle school and high school, we now have a friendship. I know we can’t force friendships, but I want to make just a light suggestion based on opinion, though we don’t have to be close friends with everyone; I think we should reach out to create a space for those we wouldn’t normally be friends with. Here me out, I get that we tend to gravitate toward similar interests, and passions. But what could we learn from someone we do not know well? What then, could we bring to their table, that could enhance their life? Maybe it’s the evangelist in me. I try to seek out most people, if not all. I know what it’s like to have lonely seasons. Moving to Florida from Michigan at age 16, literally had me JUMPING out of my comfort zones, to reach others but also seek out friends who truly could know the real me. Through life and seasonal changes, friends get married and have babies. And even through those times, still close, I got the inkling it was time to jump out of my comfort zones, again. There is always discernment to be had too, some people don’t have friendship in mind. Though I don’t suggest always being obsessively on guard, I do believe it is OK once in a while to create space for someone that you might not normally create space for, because a friendship could potentially develop from that. If you are a believer, you understand that reaching out to people could in turn create a blessing or opportunity for them to receive Christ if they don’t know Him already.
If you’ve read other posts about hospitality on the blog, you know inviting others into my space has been so much fun and growth building for me. Traveling and visiting places throughout the year is always a dream and grateful I have gotten to do that over the past few years. If you know me well, you know when I am home and have down time, I love cooking and creating memories together in a house I’ve made a home. Sure, it’s fun to hit a local coffee shop, diving into great conversations over sweet foamed lattes. But what about, chatting over a stovetop of chili being cooked? Or sharing a conversation over a cup of tea on the patio? Alongside of writing, my desire, especially lately, is to create content for the heart that beats for hospitality and hosting. For the creative who needs the space to be authentically herself. A space where even I can learn from too. Creatives and writers need a space to create. Why do you think that is? Well personally, (I’ll go ahead and answer my own question as I often do hehe), we all want to do something for the Lord. We all want to be needed and wanted within our giftings. Especially in the writing world, how many of us are still figuring out where we fit in these spaces and how to use our voices in them? I feel like I started that a bit in 2022, and maybe it will take different form now. I am right there with you. So. Where do we go from here, together?
As I continue to dream with the Lord on how creating a space for YOU will look like moving forward, here are some ways I think we could all create a creative space for writers or creatives. Simple is always a great place to start:
+be bold and INVITE anyone you know to your house.
+set up a patio area with journals, florals, and snacks.
+provide a moment for women to share their hearts/testimonies/writing journey.
+make a memory (journal something together, themed painting)
Let God lead. That’s what I am learning. This may be all new to you and maybe you decide to go all in, differently. This is a place to start. The Lord is the ultimate creative!
Happy Creating,
With Love, Mia
Love this so much this is so beautiful!! Its also a good challenge in life for us all! May we lead as Christ has led His Church!!!
Mia, as your friend outside of your inner circle, I am glad to be a part of your life! My life had changed and the seeds you poured into me changed my life. I miss you all the time and talk about you a lot when it comes to school or inspiration. Every day you inspire others and you shed the light on yourself and others!
I am grateful to be your friend and to support whatever you chose! Thank you for sharing a part of your life with me!
Mia, as your friend outside of your inner circle, I am glad to be a part of your life! My life had changed and the seeds you poured into me changed my life. I miss you all the time and talk about you a lot when it comes to school or inspiration. Every day you inspire others and you shed the light on yourself and others!
I am grateful to be your friend and to support whatever you chose! Thank you for sharing a part of your life with me!